I really hate this topic and I will tell you why, it is a waste of time in my eyes. Unfortunately, it is a very real threat to Western Culture. I grow tired of this topic, I am sure you all are thirsty to hear about. If the feminists have there way, they will not be happy until men act like women. What is feminism anyway? Here goes: the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.
So what we have here is a group of women and even men who believe that women have some social war to wage. Somewhere along the line some women got together and they were tired of it all. Here comes Feminism. I understand it to be a group of women who felt mistreated and like they had no rights. Somewhere along the line it got out of hand. Now we have football teams wearing pink. Why don't they just all wear bras if they want to show their support? Heck, lets all hang tampons around our necks!
If there is one thing that is going to blindside you it is someone telling you one thing and then doing another. They will claim that by doing this or that it will mean you feel a certain way. It is great because they package it into a thing that makes you believe that you are doing something other than what you really are doing. I also call this marketing because that is what they do as well. They make you believe something but in reality it is not like you might think. This tactic is everywhere, all these companies are trying to convince you that you need there product or that you should buy there service.
Of course this is all rubbish. 200 years ago no one had computers and you know what no one seemed to care. It is only after something is created that all of a sudden you feel like you should have it and the only reason you want it is because everyone else had it. Really it is quite stupid but some clever slug came up with it. Here is a great example of marketing, the bikini. Ask yourself, is a bikini different than a bra and panties? If I said, would you wear a bikini in public you would say well sure why not(all the females in this crowd). Then I would ask these same women if they would wear a bra and panties in public, they would turn up their noses and say of course not!
Well lets take a closer look now, some bikinis cover less area than a bra and pantie set. The material is also usually different as well. Guess what, it is the same damn thing only it is called a bikini instead of underwear. Anyone who doesn't realize this fact has been duped. I imagine all these females figured this out, or at least they should have. I do find it very amusing that women won't wear their underwear out but they will wear their bikini or string bikini.
Lets talk about equality. Women want equality, they want to be treated as equal. They want to get paid the same amount of money as a man. I have no problem with this except women want to have the cake and eat it too.Frankly, I never understood this saying since if I had cake of course I would want to eat it. The moral of the story is that they want to be treated equal and still have the privileges that they currently hold. Yes! Stupid isn't it. They wanted to be treated like men "no special treatment except status and pay" They want this PLUS they want you to hold open their door and pay for their clothes,meals and bobbles.
The whole topic is stupid, I have to argue the point still. Give women the same pay if they can do just as good job. Give women any position they can successfully hold. And why not. We have come across a bump in the road now friends. Most of the military is made up of men. If women want equality then they need to put their money where their mouth is. They must equally carry the military weight that is around our countries neck. I can hear the argument now about women not being allowed to serve in a combat role. Those days are over, I still don't see women breaking the doors down to enlist.
It is easy for spoiled brats and women who live off the blood and sweat of men to cry foul. We could argue this point as well, as I am sure there are some opinions just itching to come out. With that said, let it come. It is easy to defend my position and gets tougher to defend positions I have never been personally in. That is my usual approach, If I haven't done it or studied it I don't speak.
The world would be a smarter place if other people did the same thing. So quick to point out what a fool they are.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
The secret to learning.
HALLO you big dummies! See what I did there? I am attacking your subconscious mind, I bet you people don't even know what that is. The trouble with you commoners is that my superiority is so big I can't hardly carry it let alone get it through doors. But Vurlic why are you such a big head macho camacho guy? Because I can mwuahaha. But I do have a juicy secret for your pumping ears. Learning my dodo birds! Learning! Have you noticed if you sit for too long reading some textbook or on the computer you get a head ache or you start getting anxious and have trouble sitting still?
Have you ever wondered why that is? To test my theory I watched some people through a cafe window. They displayed the same behaviors, the hand on the head or the bouncing leg. You see my little cupcakes they were having trouble focusing and so when they tried harder to focus it made them display signs of mental fatigue. Goodness! Is that even possible? Mental fatigue, what is that anyhow mr big head macho man?
I know no one talks about it, it is like a hidden sore no one wants you to see. AH HA yes I will spread learning like a motherbucking disease! It will run rampant like the plague!
Have you ever wondered why that is? To test my theory I watched some people through a cafe window. They displayed the same behaviors, the hand on the head or the bouncing leg. You see my little cupcakes they were having trouble focusing and so when they tried harder to focus it made them display signs of mental fatigue. Goodness! Is that even possible? Mental fatigue, what is that anyhow mr big head macho man?
I know no one talks about it, it is like a hidden sore no one wants you to see. AH HA yes I will spread learning like a motherbucking disease! It will run rampant like the plague!
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