HALLO you big dummies! See what I did there? I am attacking your subconscious mind, I bet you people don't even know what that is. The trouble with you commoners is that my superiority is so big I can't hardly carry it let alone get it through doors. But Vurlic why are you such a big head macho camacho guy? Because I can mwuahaha. But I do have a juicy secret for your pumping ears. Learning my dodo birds! Learning! Have you noticed if you sit for too long reading some textbook or on the computer you get a head ache or you start getting anxious and have trouble sitting still?
Have you ever wondered why that is? To test my theory I watched some people through a cafe window. They displayed the same behaviors, the hand on the head or the bouncing leg. You see my little cupcakes they were having trouble focusing and so when they tried harder to focus it made them display signs of mental fatigue. Goodness! Is that even possible? Mental fatigue, what is that anyhow mr big head macho man?
I know no one talks about it, it is like a hidden sore no one wants you to see. AH HA yes I will spread learning like a motherbucking disease! It will run rampant like the plague!