Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A new mental disease,FEMINISM.

I really hate this topic and I will tell you why, it is a waste of time in my eyes. Unfortunately, it is a very real threat to Western Culture. I grow tired of this topic, I am sure you all are thirsty to hear about. If the feminists have there way, they will not be happy until men act like women. What is feminism anyway? Here goes: the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

So what we have here is a group of women and even men who believe that women have some social war to wage. Somewhere along the line some women got together and they were tired of it all. Here comes Feminism. I understand it to be a group of women who felt mistreated and like they had no rights. Somewhere along the line it got out of hand. Now we have football teams wearing pink. Why don't they just all wear bras if they want to show their support? Heck, lets all hang tampons around our necks!

If there is one thing that is going to blindside you it is someone telling you one thing and then doing another. They will claim that by doing this or that it will mean you feel a certain way. It is great because they package it into a thing that makes you believe that you are doing something other than what you really are doing. I also call this marketing because that is what they do as well. They make you believe something but in reality it is not like you might think. This tactic is everywhere, all these companies are trying to convince you that you need there product or that you should buy there service. 

Of course this is all rubbish. 200 years ago no one had computers and you know what no one seemed to care. It is only after something is created that all of a sudden you feel like you should have it and the only reason you want it is because everyone else had it. Really it is quite stupid but some clever slug came up with it. Here is a great example of marketing, the bikini. Ask yourself, is a bikini different than a bra and panties? If I said, would you wear a bikini in public you would say well sure why not(all the females in this crowd). Then I would ask these same women if they would wear a bra and panties in public, they would turn up their noses and say of course not!

Well lets take a closer look now, some bikinis cover less area than a bra and pantie set. The material is also usually different as well. Guess what, it is the same damn thing only it is called a bikini instead of underwear. Anyone who doesn't realize this fact has been duped. I imagine all these females figured this out, or at least they should have. I do find it very amusing that women won't wear their underwear out but they will wear their bikini or string bikini. 

Lets talk about equality. Women want equality, they want to be treated as equal. They want to get paid the same  amount of money as a man. I have no problem with this except women want to have the cake and eat it too.Frankly, I never understood this saying since if I had cake of course I would want to eat it. The moral of the story is that they want to be treated equal and still have the privileges that they currently hold. Yes! Stupid isn't it. They wanted to be treated like men "no special treatment except status and pay" They want this PLUS they want you to hold open their door and pay for their clothes,meals and bobbles. 

The whole topic is stupid, I have to argue the point still. Give women the same pay if they can do just as good job. Give women any position they can successfully hold. And why not. We have come across a bump in the road now friends. Most of the military is made up of men. If women want equality then they need to put their money where their mouth is. They must equally carry the military weight that is around our countries neck.  I can hear the argument now about women not being allowed to serve in a combat role. Those days are over, I still don't see women breaking the doors down to enlist. 

It is easy for spoiled brats and women who live off the blood and sweat of men to cry foul. We could argue this point as well, as I am sure there are some opinions just itching to come out. With that said, let it come. It is easy to defend my position and gets tougher to defend positions I have never been personally in. That is my usual approach, If I haven't done it or studied it I don't speak. 

The world would be a smarter place if other people did the same thing. So quick to point out what a fool they are. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The secret to learning.

HALLO you big dummies! See what I did there? I am attacking your subconscious mind, I bet you people don't even know what that is. The trouble with you commoners is that my superiority is so big I can't hardly carry it let alone get it through doors. But Vurlic why are you such a big head macho camacho guy? Because I can mwuahaha. But I do have a juicy secret for your pumping ears. Learning my dodo birds! Learning! Have you noticed if you sit for too long reading some textbook or on the computer you get a head ache or you start getting anxious and have trouble sitting still?

Have you ever wondered why that is? To test my theory I watched some people through a cafe window. They displayed the same behaviors, the hand on the head or the bouncing leg. You see my little cupcakes they were having trouble focusing and so when they tried harder to focus it made them display signs of mental fatigue. Goodness! Is that even possible? Mental fatigue, what is that anyhow mr big head macho  man?

I know no one talks about it, it is like a hidden sore no one wants you to see. AH HA yes I will spread learning like a motherbucking disease! It will run rampant like the plague!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Firing the fuck you cannon.

You know what I am sick of? Bull shit. If you have ever tried to learn anything and you went to the internet for the information you found bull shit. The internet is a great resource, except the dumb fucks who clog it all up. Every dumb ass with an internet connection has decided to disperse their shit all over the place. I try to learn to better myself and I have to go through an army of dumb asses. If I want to learn about computer programming I have to contend with an army of people who have no business explaining what computer programming even is. They give these pathetic excuses of an explanation of what it is.

You spend all this time trying to understand these morons or you end up going through site after site with crap for information. Then you get angry because here you were trying to be productive and do something with your life and now you have wasted all this time and accomplished nothing but bull shit. So to these people I salute you with a 21 cannon fuck you. May someone in your dumb ass life hit you repeatedly for even being born. And the next time you think about putting your trash on the internet you fall down in pain and agony. Once again, FUCK YOU!

So now I must go back to what I was doing and figure out how to filter the bull shit from the actually good information which is what I am looking for. I hate all you bastards who put this lousy information on the internet that I have to come in contact with. So with that it is my intention to create a web site or search engine or some form of site that allows people to avoid you dumb bastards that are in all the free spots. I will create a place where you have to have a certain level of intelligence to be allowed to enter. I won't let you cheat either you bastards. If you attempt to contact to a search engine for the answers I will shut my program down and make you open it each and every time you try to answer one of the questions. If that doesn't work I will figure out a way to make it hard for you to enter.

If not impossible I will track your history and if you are determined to be the little fuck I think you are, I will ban you from entering my domain. No doubt some of you shit bags will try and hack into my program, I will make it my duty to kick your sorry ass into hell if you try to do that because I hate when people fuck with me. Fuckers.

Life is hard, this sucks, Someone has to pay for my suffering, I don't suffer for free you fuck faces!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 13, 2013

How to get credit when you have none

Welcome cyber travelers! I am your captain for this voyage! My name is Cap'n Dartanian. Welcome, I am delighted you have decided to board my vessel. Aye, you have come from the desert mmmhmm I know. Like water you gotta have it if you want to get anywhere on these high seas! The Royal Navy has no kindness for the likes of you! You're in luck Matey's! I will tell you step by step how to become successful in these shark filled treacherous waters.

So then, you are a sea slug and you can't get any ship to hire ya on. Not to worry after you leave my ship you will be well on your way to better days! All the sea scum that board me ship ask me this'
bbbut Cap'n Dartanian  I aint gots no credit how can I get me some? To these sea dogs I reply, I got the know that ya seek so open your ears and shut yer mouths!

The first ting you need $$$ yar tis be right you need dem Doubloons! yell far your marm for it, serve on a ship for it, server chow for it anythin ya like! Just get it, and don't be sayin bbbbut Cap'n.. If you want butts ya aint in the right place! No excuses!
The vary second ting ya need is a bank account! This is step two.
Yer best bet is dem credit unions, go ta every single bank until you get dem to open you an account. 
Don't be tellin yer Cap'n bbbbut Cap'n I CAN'T get one! Ya Scallywag what do you think ya arrrr in the 16th century! Get with the times and get a bank account!

The third ting be to get is a secured credit card through yer bank
a secured credit card is nothin more than a credit card you are funding with yer own doubloons. Yar can't be expectin some other Buccaneer trust yer sorry behind. So lets be sayin you put down $300-$1000 doubloons. It is very easy to get a secured card because you are borrowin yer own booty!

The fourth ting you need is time give yourself six months of paying on your secured credit card. 
You sour sea dogs better know don't ya dare be late making your payment! And don't you dare max out that charge card! %30 percent of the max. So if you be with a 300 dollar card you best not be usin more than $100 and if you do I will hunt your sorry self down and toss you into the rough seas to meet Davy Jones!

A few tips:
 Don't miss your payment always be on time

Every time you apply for a credit card it is considered a hard inquiry. This will make your points drop on your credit score. You may think it is low, but trust me it can always go lower. 

If you get denied even a lousy credit card a few times that means your credit is in serious trouble. Don't apply for any more cards, go straight to a secured card.

DO apply for more than one secured credit card. You want 3-5 credit accounts open in your name. When it comes time for a creditor to review your credit report it will look good.

This is tested information this is not hear say or theory. My personal story:

I never liked credit. Times got bad the one credit card I had I maxed out and defaulted. I got sick of the rudeness of the collection agency and said forget you people! I went straight down to the bank where I took out the credit card. I had just cashed my check and had hundred dollars bills stacked in my wallet.

I marched into the bank and said I am here to pay a debt. At first the man said he had to get permission to take care of the debt since it was years defaulted. I said, hold on. I have cash right here in the full amount that I owe your bank. You are a bank aren't you? You can take my money! I laugh about that memory now. Needless to say he pulled the strings I handed them the cash (my entire paycheck) and I closed out the account. Let me tell you what a good feeling!

I kept getting declined on every card I tried to get. Even Orchard bank which is known for very high interest wouldn't come near me. I kept applying like to Walmart and places like that, they wouldn't give me the time of day either. Finally I learned the lesson, I went down to my bank and got a $300 secured credit card. They denied me online when I applied! can you believe it I got denied to borrow my own money! So, if you get denied go down to your bank and ask why. Talk to an agent and plead your case.

I spoke with the agent from my bank who approved credit cards, and I assured them I was being responsible. They said OK, Yeah baby Woo! I cheered. No no, that came AFTER I left not at the bank, you think I want them thinking I am three cards short of a deck! Like a good lad, I would pay my card off in full a couple times, made my payments on time when I had a balance. 

Six months later I tried to get an increase on my secured card, I was told sorry you have only us as a creditor. That is when I found out more accounts is better. I did some poking around and found out that Fingerhut was lax about giving credit. I applied for credit there and got approved on the spot for $250!  Prior to that I had received a Capital One credit card offer in the mail. I applied to them with little anticipation, a week later a received an e-mail YOU ARE APPROVED!

Keep in mind everyone, if you have thousands in past debt and are in collections you got to get that debt paid off. Do not even bother trying to get a credit card until you get those debts out of collections, or that massive delinquent debt resolved. Coming into credit I think I had one or two debts in collection which were like 7 years old and they were for paltry amounts. 

This is my story, I know it works because it is what I did for myself.

Thanks for reading everyone and happy credit hunting!

If you would like to contact me my e-mail is:


DISCLAIMER: This content is protected and is not authorized to be reproduced in part or whole. I am the only owner of this content.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I wish I may I wish might.

Today my heart aches like very other day,
my soul cries a river of tears that never seems to dry up.
I wish I may I wish I might,
have the wish I wish tonight.
As far back as I can remember I have desired my soul mate if such a thing exists.
I don't know how much longer I can hold on.
The fortress walls are crumbling around me.
I doubt whether you exist,
I wish for you every time I think of of my pain.
I have a kind heart, and I look for the other half.
I have been to bars, their hearts are stained with accepted sin.
I have looked online they are insincere.
I have been watchful my whole adult life,
I have not found you.
I search for you every day,
I don't know where you are.
The struggle I know,
you cannot understand.
I fight to keep myself standing,
but the walls around my fortress are crumbling.
Would you say I am less of a man because this war is destroying me?
I am alone,
I have fought my whole adult life.
I am in my late 20's now and the horizon looks bleak.
Not like me, I am always strong and hopeful.
But this war rages on,
I am weakening.
I am still alive,
they tried to snuff me out
But I am still alive.
It is days like these when I look at myself and think"what is wrong with me"
When I am with a woman and I have affection I am comforted.
I am slower to all things,
when single
with no woman to comfort me
an angry violent beast
a recording plays inside my head
Designed to bring destruction
I will smite you all.
Like a time bomb with a self destruct.
It will blast it all away.
Wreck less?

Saturday, August 17, 2013

What is HTML? For absolute beginners.

Hello everyone,
This is going to be one of the best blogs I have ever written. I began my quest to learn HTML not long ago and with the help of www.codeacademy.com I learned some important principles. These principles I am going to share with you as I understand them.

So, What is HTML? It stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. You can find this out easily anywhere online. It is good to know if you want to have a technical understanding of HTML.

So, What is Hyper Text Markup Language anyhow? This describes the name of the language in which your web browser "speaks". Try speaking Spanish to an English speaker, how far will you get? Not very far!

A web browser is the program (Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome) that allows your computer to communicate with the internet. Look at it this way, let us say there is 5 people that want to talk to each other but they all speak different languages..The Frenchman wants to communicate with the Mexican, who in turn wants to communicate with the Japanese man. They need some way to communicate, here enters the translator. The computer wants to communicate with the web. Like anything else, it has to have a means in which to complete this desired function.

All right, so we now know we need to know HTML to communicate to a web browser. It is the language we must learn in order to really get mr browser to do what we want. HTML is a language, therefore it uses elements like the English language. The alphabet, we use letters to form words and words to form sentences which conveys what we want. In the same way the web browser understands HTML, but we use TAGS. Here is an example of a TAG-->     <b>   <---see that b in those brackets? yep that is a TAG.
This tag represents the meaning "hey mr browser I want the following text to be a bold font".
Not so fast there slick, there is more to this!
Just like a sentence we use a period to indicate the statement is complete. In HTML language to end the "statement" we use a closing TAG instead of a period like in the English word. The closing TAG looks like this:
So, If I wanted to tell the browser to make my text bold I would type:  <b> Make me bold Mr Browser </b>
This is basic HTML.
REMEMBER! There are many HTML TAGS that we use to create a web page. Before you can walk you gotta crawl. It is my belief if you understand the concept of HTML you will learn better and retain more.

I won't add more to this as I don't want to overwhelm you. This is like learning your ABC's I am not going to explain how to spell dog, if you don't even know the alphabet yet.

Now that you are equipped with this knowledge, head on over to www.codeacademy.com they have good tutorials there on coding.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Xbox 360 repair. What have I learned so far?

There are many "tricks" that temporarily fix the problem and these are rubbish.

I had one Xbox 360 Elite that the tray was jammed shut. I opened the case by removing the front cover which just pops off. Then I poked the resistance generating tabs on the back of the case to release the case from itself. Then I stuck my screw driver underneath the front retaining clips to release the front top half from the lower bottom half.

After watching many youtube videos I found out the "drive belt" becomes weakened after awhile and wears out. And to restrengthen the drive belt you take a cup of hot water throw the belt in for 10 seconds then immediately put in cold water. I then dried it off and put it back on the little gears inside the disc drive. Low and behold it "fixed" the disc drive and I was able to play game and dvd on it. Looking back I decided I wanted to fix it properly and not have the same worn out belt go bad again. So I bought a lot of 25 belts so I can start replacing them .

The next task was another Xbox 360 with a stuck closed tray. I opened up the case and after watching some youtube videos what I did was spray some WD40 type cleaning on the back of the motor that spins the disc. Apparently the drive gets crud or whatever built up and then it won't spin the disc. I kept getting an open try error when I tried to put in the disc. It was because that little motor wasn't spinning fast enough.

I found out that even though people are thinking they can use a heat gun which looks like a hair dryer, they heat up the board to reflow the solder which is the problem with these consoles in the first place.. The GPU and CPU are getting over heated because of cheap thermal compound and the x-clamps wear out and don't keep the heat sinks tight against the board which stops the air lock from forming so the heat properly dissipates.

I found out that in order to properly re-flow the solder I need a re-flow station. The re-flow station has an soldering iron and a re-flow tool. Essentially the re-flow gun looks like a butane light it pushes hot air through directly as a temperature you set on the station. From what I am understanding you are supposed to aim the little end on just the chip to re-flow the solder. I still don't know how many degrees to set it at, and I don't know how long I should keep it hovering over the chips.

From what I have been seeing the most common problems with the Xbox 360 is the stuck disc tray, the disc not reading, the chips over heating, the laser not in the right starting position, the tray not staying closed, the "icu or whatever it is called" doesn't register that the tray is closed so it doesn't stay shut,

I learned that to program a wireless controller to a console, there is a little white button on the Xbox 360 that you hold down and then the green light spins around the power button. then you turn on your controller and hold down its white little button on top until it shows from spinning lights to one green light. Learning that was pretty cool.

Right now basically I need special tools for light so I can see while keeping my hands free. I need to have a good camera to take high quality pictures of the parts I am looking at. It is my intention to learn about the functions of the Xbox 360 down to the technical level so I fully understand the parameters of what it takes for this thing to work, I started this not really thinking about the time involved, I can't help but feel a little impatient. I do not have the money at this time to buy the jewelry magnification scope, the re-flow station and a special lamp to illuminate my work. I also want a mat to lay my work pieces on.

I learned that there are like 3-5 different watt power bricks. 150W 175W 203Watt for the different systems. Physically they are rather basic with minimal parts, the parts on a technical level are quite complex. I would like to sell one so I have more money to buy more systems however I am not satisfied with the quality of operation I am seeing. While I have two at this time that play games and DVDs I am not yet convinced.

It is pretty cool I had been opening the stuck shut trays by forcing the little gear that is barely visible and every time it has worked. However I have discovered a better way now, and that is to push down on a tab on the top side of the tray and then it easily slides out.

Don't put the Xbox 360 back together if you haven't made sure everything is working right. I had an xbox 360 with a stuck disc drive. I took it apart and did a reheat of the drive belt. I got the disc drive to successfully open.