Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How to lose weight

If you don't want to gain weight, and you want to lose weight here is what you do. It is quite simple, Don't sit down. If you don't sit down you will be less likely to eat, you will be doing something if you are not sitting. Sitting is the enemy of all fat people around the world. You get fat sitting down not standing up.

You also get fat by looking at fast food places. Avoid these places like the plague, they carry the disease of obesity. The biggest factor is just don't sit down. You barely burn any calories and most people eat sitting down. Laying down while eating does not work too well, pretty sure you will choke.... The less time sitting, means the more time moving burning calories and not eating.

I get indigestion when I eat while walking or standing. Hopefully you will too haha.

How to install computer memory RAM

Hello people.
I want to start out by saying, if you have no idea what you are doing don't do it. I work as tech support for a large computer memory company. And as much as I hate to bring work home with me, this is my retaliation on a job that sucks the life out of me. So if I must do this job, you get everything that goes with it. One thing that really annoys me is when a customer calls in and it is obvious they have no idea what they are doing.

This becomes clear when they begin telling you about their problem. Typically these folks are do not know how to articulate themselves. What is shocking is when a PC technician calls me up and he ordered the wrong memory module DoH! Really guy? You work on computers for a living and you can't even order the right memory?

Now I might be arrogant as I did spent 2 weeks learning about computer memory. Believe me I did not enjoy this torturous experience. Every day I got home I thought my brain would explode. The typical questions I get now that I have some idea what the heck I am doing is the following. Typically customers will call in because they ordered the wrong part, the memory is faulty or they have questions about compatibility.

Seriously, a pet peeve of mine is people who have no business upgrading memory. I consider myself computer literate and I did upgrade my own memory. But here is the thing I am A. smart enough to know how to use a website to find out the right memory. B I know enough about memory that I can install it without a manual. Don't get me wrong it is a simple job to take out old memory and put in new memory. You would be surprised how many people much it up.

These people can read you their specs on their machine, but they can't tell you what it all means. I often have people calling me about problems with their Imac Mac Pro ect computers. What I have come to learn is Macs don't like speeds that are faster then what they are designed for. While I could go on further with this I am getting tired and bored of it.

Upgrading RAM is easy. Find out what your computer specs are, find a website to give you a match. Order the memory, take out old memory and install new memory. On some occasions you may need to update the BIOS to get your memory to work. I just talked to a guy today he has spend 6 hours worth of time trying to figure out how to upgrade his RAM. Apparently he had a limit of 3GB and he could only get 1.5GB to work.

If you have 6 hours worth of time in installing new memory, throw in the towel. Then go to your yellow pages and hire a professional. Just make sure he is not a dum dum, get a referral from someone.That is it, that is all i got.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Want to make money? Then you need to read this article.

If you are like me you have spent countless hours looking online searching things like-How to make money, How to earn money, What can I do to make money, What can I make to sell, How do I become rich ect. If you are like me you have come out empty handed. I have scoured dozens of sites looking for the "answer" to solve my problem. But consistently I have been disappointed and have had no luck.

This article is not going to tell you how to earn money. This article is going to help you understand more about earning money in the first place. The first thing you should realize is you don't "make" money, you earn it. The big question is what can I do to earn this scare prey we know as "money". I have spent years on this pursuit and I have yet to find the golden goose.

Let me tell you what you must not do, do not buy get rich schemed packages. They are just people trying to take advantage of people who are ignorant. Of all the things I read online NONE of them ever helped me make any money. One reason could be that I never committed fully to their method, the reason being I never liked their methods. Times are tough these days and work is a scarce commodity.

About the only way I found to make extra money that was consistent and reliable has been Ebay. One method I have used to make money is buying video games at pawn shops and resell online. Some pawn shops are getting smarter and doing that themselves. It did not use to be that way, in the old days years ago I was making lots of supplemental income buying ps2 games and reselling on Ebay.

But then I think people started to catch on in my area and started doing what I was doing. The games dried up and only rarely do I find good deals. Like everything else in this world its one giant competition. I just recently sold Luigi's mansion I bought it for $4.00 and sold it for $20.00. I used to make these kinds of sales often years ago, these days that was just a lucky find. I bought 4 Xbox 360 games at a yard sale for $15.00. One game alone sold for $11.50 plus $4.00 shipping on Ebay.

Unless you have a heavy bank roll you won't be able to afford to buy bulk items and make good money. I have been doing Ebay for the last 5 years. And the biggest obstacle I face is lack of product, the options for buying in bulk that people actually want is near impossible. A con for selling on Ebay is the fact you have so many other people selling the same items you are. I have 455 feedback as a buyer and seller with 100% feedback.

I describe my items as best I can and hold myself accountable for the descriptions I give. I am polite and mannerly when a Ebay customer messages me. I attribute my selling success based on the fact the people I sell to are generally very happy. I have only had 2 returns I am aware of in the last 3 years. Better to keep the customer happy and no get negative feedback. Write in your listings what your policies are, to protect yourself.

These days an Ebay seller is not allowed to give a buyer negative or neutral feedback. The problem was that a lot of sellers were abusing the feedback system. And for the most part buyers are very well protected with Paypal and Ebay. The buyer has the definite advantage in the Ebay system. When you are a small seller life is unforgiving, but if you can sell and keep moving up life will get easier.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Human Origin and Understanding Existence.

How long have humans roamed the earth?
According to one source 200,000 years ago. This of course brings about a few questions. First off how can anyone really say how long humans have been around. According to one article about Sabretooth tigers is they roamed the earth for 20 million years. How can anyone possibly know this.. Which brings me to a conclusion, these are obviously only theories.

Where did humans come from?
Aside from my religious beliefs where did humans come from. If there were creatures on the earth before humans came to Earth, we did not just pop up out of no where. We had to get here somehow, the question is just how did we get here. Well I know I got here by being born from my mother. Only reason I know this is because I was told. I myself have no recollection of my birth.

This fact makes it very clear that when born our minds are incapable of memory. At least vivid photographic memory. If it was not for my mother telling me how I got here, I would be clueless. That is until I saw babies being born. It is true in my opinion humanity is evolving, becoming smarter. I believe that the first humans were put here. The question is why were we put here and what was the reason for the time frame of humanities appearance.

I personally believe we were put here by God. But I am the type of person always seeking answers. I do not believe we formed out of space gunk.. In order for us to know how we got here the first humans would have to have told their children. So what did the first humans tell their children? Could the first humans speak or did they grunt to get their point across.. It is my theory human beings were put here on Earth with no knowledge of the Earth or what it was.

That would have to make sense since in the beginning of mankind we could not write. That was something we invented to communicate. It is my theory that grunts became words and whomever made the word said hey George I named this FIRE. So if we can accept humanity was placed on Earth totally ignorant of it, that would explain the concept of evolution.

Another big question is what did some civilizations evolve and others did not? Take Africans why are they at the bottom of the learning ladder? Africans in Africa have invented nothing like cars, computers ect. At least they did not contribute technology as far as I know. I do not believe their intelligence has anything to do with their skin color. I say this because their are Black doctors and lawyers.

It is my belief at the core of the Africans are unintelligent beings. Their base of ancestors were obviously not that intelligent. But if you recreate their base by having an intelligent person mate with the lessor intelligent African, the children will have a smarter platform to work off of. There is the factor that the inferior may reject the superior. But this is unlikely as the inferior wants to please the superior if given the opportunity.

After coming up with all these theories it seems apparent I need to produce some kind of evidence to prove my theories. One of my first thoughts about proving a theory is to take a inferior person from say Haiti(not to assume all Haitians are unintelligent) But to take a child and raise it as my own from a mother who is not very intelligent. Then to raise the child under my understanding of life. Then see how that child turns out. Even though the pa